New SEO Terms You Have to Know in 2011

Some of them have been around for years but have been largely ignored by the SEO industry. Others are well known by SEO practicioners but completely off the radar for the general public, it seems. Last but not least there are terms from adjacent industries we now have to deal with in SEO. It’s 2011 – we have flying cars by now! – so it’s time to adopt new terminology as well.​


Most of you probably know what a 404 code is. SEO pros use 301 redirects as well. What is a 503 though? It’s a code telling the Google bot that a site is temporarily unavailable and not broken for good.​ You need it when performing site maintenance resulting in downtime.​ See:

A/B Testing

The process of comparing two (or more) versions of a page to find out the best performing one, i.e. the one that is yielding the highest conversion rate.​ See:

Advanced segment​s

Advanced segments allow you to show only particular parts of your site’s traffic in a Google Analytics report. You can customize and save them to return to the same report again. If you are serious about SEO, you use them all the time.​ A common advanced segment is social media traffic, for instance.​ See:


Citation is the equivalent of a link for local SEO, but of course it’s not really the same as a link. It’s more a mention and a link on a site that is relevant for the Google Places algorithm. In a way, citations are even harder to get than links, as only a select few sites get counted for citations.​ See:

Content farm

A content farm is a site, often a huge one, that produces large amounts of keyword laden, low quality content to flood​ the search engines. Blekko and Google consider them to be almost as bad as webspam.​ See:

Content marketing

Content marketing is a new term describing all the means to promote your site online, be it text, images, video or other “rich media”. Content marketing replaces, to some extent, simple copywriting.​ See:


Conversion Rate Optimization, or CRO for short, is sometimes referred to as conversion optimization, and is the art and science of streamlining traffic once it reaches your site. In other words, it’s a set of techniques to make the user do what you want them to do on your site, e.g. clicking ads, subscribing, buying.​ See:

Source : SEOptimise

How to Add Social Media Share Count Widgets in WordPress

Grab the Original Widget

Most of the share counts are a piece of JavaScript that you must retrieve from the social media service. This article is also meant to serve as a one stop shop. You can come here to find the location for top social media services because a lot of them makes it really hard to find on their sites. The goal of this article is to avoid using as many plugins as possible, so when you are picking the type choose site: Normal.

  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tweetmeme Retweet
  • Facebook Share
  • Facebook Like Button
  • Reddit
  • Njuice Google Buzz
  • Sphinn

Share Count Widgets

Customizing the Codes

Because we chose the code for a Normal Site, we may need to modify it to make it compatible with WordPress. We are also going to be showing just the Compact Share Count Buttons. You can ofcourse use the codes as a guide to get different sizes.

Note: You must paste all of these codes inside a loop, most likely in your single.php file.


01    <script type=”text/javascript”>
02    (function() {
03    var s = document.createElement(‘SCRIPT’), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName(‘SCRIPT’)[0];
04    s.type = ‘text/javascript’;
05    s.async = true;
06    s.src = ‘;;
07    s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);
08    })();
09    </script>
11    <a href=”;?php the_permalink(); ?>”></a>

Normally, you should not have to add the href part of the link area. But if you don’t, and you have paginated comments or posts, then your digg button will not work on all pages. So if the main page was submitted, the second page will show a submit URL allowing users to submit duplicate content to digg.


1    <script src=”;?php the_permalink(); ?>”></script>

Tweetmeme Retweet

1    <script type=”text/javascript”>
2    tweetmeme_source = ‘wpbeginner’; tweetmeme_service = ‘’; tweetmeme_style = ‘compact’; tweetmeme_url = ‘<?php the_permalink() ?>’;
3    </script>
4    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

Make sure that you change the Tweetmeme_source variable to your twitter handle. Right now it is @wpbeginner. So whenever someone clicks it will show RT @wpbeginner Post Title – Link. We are using as the link shortening service, you can change it to others that tweetmeme offers, but is the best one.

Facebook Share

1    <a name=”fb_share” type=”button_count” share_url=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” href=””>Share</a><script src=”; type=”text/javascript”></script>

Facebook Like Button

Facebook Like Button is a phonemonal tool for traffic. Syed has shown how it has helped in our WordPress Newsletter in the past.

1    <iframe src=”;?php echo urlencode(get_permalink($post->ID)); ?>&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” style=”border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:60px;”></iframe>


1    <script type=”text/javascript”>
2    reddit_url = “<?php the_permalink(); ?>”;
3    reddit_title = “<?php the_title(); ?>”;
4    </script>
5    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

Njuice Google Buzz Count

Google Buzz do not have an active API that allows to keep track of count. There are a few ways to work around that which gives you some what of a misguided count. But for those users, who want to have a Google Buzz Count, then here is how you can add it.

1    <script type=”text/javascript”>
2    var njuice_buzz_size = ‘small’;
3    var njuice_buzz_title = ‘<?php the_title(); ?>’;
4    var njuice_buzz_url = ‘<?php the_permalink(); ?>’;
5    </script>
6    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;


1    <script type=”text/javascript”>submit_url = ‘<?php the_permalink(); ?>’;</script>
2    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

That is all the customizing we need to make each of these widgets work with WordPress perfectly. Now, you may have to customize the styling for it to work with your theme design. You are better of putting these codes above <?php the_content(); ?> code. You can also use our Smart Sharing Plugin, to display a floating icon down your window.

Source :

B2B Search Engine Marketing, Goals for 2011

With the New Year finally upon us, it’s time to start focusing on those goals and objectives we promised as 2011 budgets were approved. But similar to our resolutions for eating healthier and getting back to the gym, achieving measurable results with B2B search engine marketing will undoubtedly be challenging.

Here is a look at the key B2B search engine marketing resolutions that will help you achieve your marketing goals in the New Year.

An Investment in Content Marketing

Quality content fuels almost every B2B search engine marketing strategy. But investing in content development is difficult when resources are tight and sales pressure looms.

Instead of getting overwhelmed with production volume, consider developing a handful of high quality pieces (white papers, research, etc.) and using that material as the basis for shorter articles, blog posts, podcasts, etc. One high quality white paper can lead to a half dozen supporting pieces that can be optimized for additional (but related) keyword strategies.

Connect the Dots Between Online & Offline Marketing Strategy

In a recent study by Fusion B2B, Internet marketing and social media didn’t actually rank as a top priority (although they were key tactics for accomplishing goals). Lead generation and measurement of marketing strategies are key priorities.

Top B2B Marketing Priorites - 2011

What is the takeaway? B2B marketers are concerned with strategies that impact the bottom line. The preferred channel of choice is the channel that is most effective in generating quality leads for the organization.

Focus on the B2B Sales Cycle

The B2B sales cycle is different than for B2B companies. B2B prospects send multiple levels of the organization to evaluate a solution. More than one visit to the website is almost always a certainty.

Understanding the intent of a keyword strategy and the content required to support that strategy needs to be considered.

Get Your Head Around Technology Solutions

Technological advancements enhance how B2B marketers develop their programs and evaluate the results of efforts. Not only are tools getting better at providing the data necessary for benchmarking performance, but it seems like every week a new technology is being developed that needs evaluation.

Develop Your Social Community

This could be a long shot, but while you know your customers are in places like Facebook and LinkedIn, the B2B marketer wants more control of the medium. To that extent, consider building your organization’s social community in places you run and own, in addition to the popular social networks of today.

While social media certainly isn’t going away, the applications and platforms we use will change, advance, and/or become obsolete. If your organization is delivering real value, the target market should follow you no matter what the platform.

Source: Searchenginewatch

Search Marketing Hot Spots In 2011

As you shift your focus from frantically optimizing holiday campaigns to
methodically (hah!) executing 2011 plans, here are areas worth thinking about:

1. Local: With all the buzz over Google’s near-acquisition of Groupon, it’s clear the Big G is ready to make a big move in the local space.

Google Local

2. Social ads: As Facebook beefs up its Marketplace Ads offering and ads API, social advertising campaigns will begin to look an awful lot like search. From precise audience segmentation to dynamic creative customization to real-time bidding, social ads are taking on core attributes of SEM.

3. The social graph: With Bing incorporating Facebook connections into its algorithm, it becomes imperative for SEO practitioners to generate likes along with links.

Social Graph

4. Mobile : More and more search queries are originating from mobile devices. And more and more content providers and app developers are creating rich, engaging experiences for mobile consumption. It remains to be see if the core navigation for mobile will be search and, if so, via text or voice. However, you can be sure Google will do what it can to bake search throughout the mobile experience and, the more penetration Google gets with Android, the more likely search will prevail.

5.Attribution : As consumers continue to multitask across screens and companies like Apple continue to create more screens and activate more portable content, it’s becoming more important than ever for marketers to track interaction across channels. The days of managing search in a silo are over. Search is a net for demand generated by other marketing activities.

6.Display : Display, as we’ve known it, is dead. Taking its place is a format that looks like display but smells like search. I’m referring to image and rich media ads that are bought and sold via real-time bid auctions with creative messages that are customized on the fly and targeting options that are granular down to the individual and placement level.

7.Search : You didn’t think I’d include this one, right? Despite the trends pushing search marketers to consider other channels and marketing tactics, we must still remain focused on maximizing SEM itself. What will 2011 bring for search? Expect continued market share gains for Bing (already up 40% since launch) but mostly at the expense of Yahoo, making the Search Alliance a wash (although still a critical venue for SEM ads). Expect Google to continue to tweak search results pages to increase advertising revenue.

Google Search

8.Apps : In the coming year, look for apps like Siri (recently bought by Apple) to emerge as bona fide alternatives to search engines. Bing was on the right track when it launched with its “decision engine” positioning but hasn’t yet lived up to that promise. What we need are true “virtual personal assistants” (a term coined by Siri) that can help accomplish tasks like planning trips or outings without strings of search queries but, rather, one single instruction.

Source : searchengineland

Mac Resources for Your Christmas

Christmas is coming and it’s the right time to start decorating your house, as well as your Mac.

Maybe there are already a lot of Christmas resources around the net, but I’d like to make one special list for Mac.

Though this is not a huge list, but I’ve tried to cover the most interesting things on your Mac, such as screen saver, wallpaper, and many other fun stuffs. So, what are you waiting for now?

Christmas Screen Savers

Nothing represents Christmas as much as falling snowflakes and flying Santas. Here are collection of screen savers that picture Christmas on your Mac.

Scattered Flurries

Perhaps you’ve long bored with the moving Flurry of Colors on your Mac, especially during Christmas day. You can add more flurries of snow to your Mac Screen Saver.

Scattered Flurries


If you will never have a great Christmas without falling flakes of snow, you can download this snowfall quartz composer screen saver to simulates the ice storm!


A Small Gift for Christmas

Christmas Lighthouse

Holidays Christmas

X’Mas Holiday

Source :

5 Ways to Get Your Business Found on Facebook

Almost all the social networking sites are quite popular these days and Facebook is no exception. Advertising your business on Facebook is a very good idea as it would open up possibilities of getting the attention of a lot of would-be customers. But to do that successfully, you will need to help people access your business ads in the Facebook first. In short, you will have to make it more browser-friendly. There are five effective ways that can help you to make your business in Facebook easy to trace.


1. Appearance
We remember a person not only by his name but also by his or her face. The same holds true for making your business recognizable on Facebook. Once you register your business profile on Facebook, you should also upload a few photographs. In case your company has a logo, make it noticeable. Make sure that you paste your picture too. You should also provide accurate information regarding your business contact and other details. Thus, you will gain the trust of the net surfers as all these factors will tell them about the person behind the business.

2. Naming
Choosing a name for your business is very important. It should reflect what you are going to offer. At the same time, it should also help you create a trusted bond with your prospective customers. Once they feel that your business addresses their wishes or problems, they are likely to give you enough attention. So, don’t hurry while choosing a brand name.

3. Business URL
Keep your personal identity different from that of your business. Take care while choosing a URL. Make sure that your URL leads the traffic to the business page. You may like to discuss matters with some SEO professionals while designing the page. Remember – if your customers do not reach the right page, their interest may wear off. So, using proper SEO techniques to make them land at the right web page is crucial to your business success.

4. Personal Touch
This is important. Your website must be unique and it should communicate your business vision with clarity to your visitors and potential customers. This personalization will help you stand apart from other businesses registered on Facebook or on other social networking sites. You can use various Facebook applications in order to achieve this goal. You may also seek professional help from someone who knows how to use Facebook applications for marketing purposes to the optimum level.

5. Connect and Link
Though you have kept your business and private profiles different, you should provide the link to your business page in your private profile. This will help you get the attention of those who otherwise visit your personal site. You should provide this link on various other social networking sites too where you have a profile. If you are writing industry related blogs, you can even paste the business URL there. It is also a good idea to provide the same link with your outgoing emails.

Source : Studio1c

Ayodhya verdict:Government pleased with response, says Chidambaram

A day after the Allahabad High Court gave its judgement in the Ayodhya title suit, saying Hindus and Muslims are joint title holders, Home Minister P Chidambaram said the government is pleased and satisfied with the response to the Ayodhya verdict. He said the law and order situation is very peaceful across the country and that status quo will be maintained in Ayodhya for now.

“Response to Ayodhya verdict has been dignified,” said Chidambaram.

To a question whether the judgement dilutes the case relating to the demolition of Babri Masjid, the Home Minister said this judgement has nothing to do with the act that took place December 6, 1992.

“The demolition of Babri Masjid remains a criminal act and therefore yesterday’s judgement in no way interferes with that case,” he added.

The Home Minister said he expects appeals to be filed in the Supreme Court in the next few days, weeks. The government, he said, is not apprehensive about politics over Ayodhya verdict.

Read more at:

10 Great ideas for blog posts

Here are more ideas used a few times:

  1. Write about the latest silly thing a celebrity did. If Mel Gibson just stuck his foot in his mouth again, write about it. Connect it with what you do: If you’re in customer service (who isn’t?) maybe tell folks they should always pretend they’re being recorded. You get the idea.
  2. Answer the buttheads. Someone out there said something that ticked you off. Answer them. Don’t do it like me, though. Do it nicely – I don’t want your firing on my hands.
  3. Mea culpa. Apologize to someone you wronged. This doesn’t have to be a pistols-at-dawn offense. For example, maybe I panned a book the first time I read it, then loved it the second time so I decided to write a second review. Or, maybe I told someone (in a nice way) that they were wrong, but it turned out I was.
  4. Stream of consciousness. This is harder but fun. Just start writing with one thought in mind. I’ll do this with things like ‘SEO’ or ‘marketing’ or ‘purple things’. About 1/2 the time I get something really great. The other 1/2 it looks like I was freebasing cocoa powder again. A good exercise nonetheless.
  5. Ask. Send out a Tweet: Yo, people, what should I write about today? It works amazingly well, once you tune out all the folks asking you to write about, er, inappropriate topics.

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Impact of Google Caffeine on Link building

All the webmasters across the world especially those who specializes in Google SEO and Google Optimization must take note of the fact that Google has made a major change in its algorithm which has caused a major change in the way it provides ranking to different websites. As a result of this change the all the SEO Expert or SEO optimizers who want to rank their website in the Google search engine result pages need to follow a completely different SEO strategy which significantly differs from the one they have been following so far. Here we would be discussing about the new caffeine updated link building strategy.

One may have noticed a significant drop in backlink profile after the caffeine update. This is because Google has started discarding all the spammy links, which includes signature posting in forums and blog comment postings with links. Google has started treating them as spam and therefore….


Avoid following Tips to Increase Google page rank

Never put ads to new sites right away as Google may mark your site as “ ad farm “ and will not index the site. You should wait for a month or so to begin ad activity.

It has been seen that Google bestows high ranking to sites having multiple inbound links. The important fact is that such links must correspond to higher ranking site only.

Avoid Tips to Increase Google page rank

You will not get any benefit from any sub standard link exchange sites and more over Google will side line your site for link farming. Your inbound links must be relevant to content of website.

You can link web site with good social book marking services like,, to name a few but there are many other such sites which will serve your purpose but Most of social book marking sites use rel=”nofollow” attribute which does not help increasing Page rank of website.

Google detects duplicate contents, copied content etc and never index sites which use them. It is always advisable to give relevant link and disclose the content source etc.

Always link single page with canonical URL. Always refrain from excess use of key words, over optimizing, irrelevant use of…

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